Tuesday, May 8, 2007

“YouTube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.” Do you agree?

I agree mostly with the statement. Ethics, by definition, are moral values or rules of conduct. In context of YouTube, it refers to the website posting copyright material, videos which invade privacy, inappropriate content, etc. Technically, YouTube itself has only one main purpose: to serve as a medium through which people can view or upload videos, comment on others, join groups or subscribe to various channels. Clearly the intention here is to keep entertainment, and sharing of videos in mind. YouTube also has certain policies and rules, especially regarding copyright laws.

It grants users the ability to report videos which infringe copyright laws, as well as flag videos with inappropriate or unsavoury content. However, due to the sheer volume of videos archived, uploaded each day, and viewed, it is nigh impossible for YouTube staff to closely monitor and report every single case of infringement. Thus the onus lies mainly on the users of YouTube to uphold integrity, responsibiliy and honesty, and not post such materials. It's much easier in theory, for in reality people not only continue to post such videos, but most of the time they can't be bothered to report copyright infringement. As such, the problem lies not only with the medium, but the people who abuse the medium as well. In a nutshell, it can be said that technically, YouTube has ethics set in stone(ie, the Code of Conduct and Copyright Guidelines) , just that its users usually either fail to adhere to it, or are not numerous enough to constantly trawl the site and filter out inappropriate videos.

YouTube is free to use, so it cashes in on its immense popularity, and makes money through advertisements, because advertisers are ensured maximum exposure on a website which millions of people view each day. Thus, to generate revenue, YouTube has to continue drawing people to its site. and in order to do that, it needs interesting content. Inevitably, it ends up being a vicious cycle: people ignore the rules and post copyright/inappropriate material, many people view it, traffic and thus revenue increases, people don’t report copyright infringement, YouTube is willing to close one eye and grudgingly/half-heartedly takes down videos only when urged to, so people more confidently ignore the rules, and so on.

However, though YouTube’s main purpose is entertainment, there are other videos on varying topics as well. There are scientific oddities caught on camera and posted, videos on how to fold your clothes in an easier way, a visual walkthrough of medical issues (like how to deal with flu, diabetes, autism etc.) and sometimes just completely random videos like blowing up a watermelon with dry ice and laughing hysterically for ages afterward. (or here for something stranger). It can be used to disseminate educational videos as well, for students who pursue online courses or missed 1 or 2 lectures. Therefore, I agree mostly with the statement.

Deviated from the truth at 8:49 PM


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